During the last decade or so, knitting has been regaining popularity with a new generation. No longer does knitting evoke images of old ladies sitting around in rocking chairs in the kitchen with their itchy balls of woolen yarn; today, you'll see knitters from a variety of backgrounds converging at their local Starbucks to knit, chat, and drink the java. As a recent convert to the woven arts, I've quickly realized WHY knitting is so popular: the ability to create something out of yarn with nothing but a pair of pointy sticks is pretty amazing--and rewarding, too! Knitting is also a great way to relax at the end of a super-crazy-hectic day. And it's extremely portable as well--just pop your ball o' yarn and a pair of knitting needles in your purse and you can knit virtually ANYWHERE!
Happy 2013! Now that the holidays are over, it's time to hunker down in front of the fireplace with a nice cuppa coffee (or glass of wine) and peruse through those favorite seed catalogs so that you can start planning for the upcoming growing season. Check out Organic Gardening Magazine's website for a list of organic seed catalogs (along with helpful tips on seed starting and garden planning).
With so many super cool flowers, fruits, and veggies available, it's easy to get a little carried away and purchase more than you really need (or have room) to grow. An easy way to avoid this is to map out a garden plan to decide where and what you are going to plant. Mapping out your garden can be done easily in a notebook or, if you're like me, on your computer. There's a really fun free garden mapping tool on the Gardeners Supply Company website that is easy to use. |